Saturday, August 29, 2015

Drinking Coffee and Reading Books

Jaclyn and I love coffee. We also love books. I actually have a book (unpublished) called Espresso Jesus which talks about coffee ... in a book!

I could explain the premise of Espresso Jesus, but that is a different post for a different time. Maybe I'll even release the boom online!

Not the point. It's actually kinda cool. We moved far away from home to do the things we love - write and drink coffee!

I have written two books with a third coming along nicely. I should be finished with it by mid-October and then I start on book number four, increasing my library of personally written tomes, volumes and grimoires until I have enough to fill a bookstore.

Jaclyn is a barista. A dang good one too. I can't drink coffee made by lesser individuals (rather I won't if I can help it).

So I guess we are well on the path to opening a bookstore and coffee shop (though it isn't likely that will happen anytime soon). 

At present, we are sitting in the Alpine Bakery and Cafe (you will recall from my post entitled Raisa) and as we are sitting here, we have just shared a three berry scone and are now quietly sipping a peppermint white chocolate breve (large with a triple shot of espresso) and we're reading. I am reading Mere Christianity and she is reading The Hobbit by C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien respectively.

Funny how our reading styles differ while remaining so similar. Maybe one day we'll even write a book together (or maybe not - only time will tell). So she reads high fantasy as I wade through apologetical and theological prose. And we have both taken sabbatical from our reading to hop on our iPhones (not a sponsor).

It's a nice day too. And although it's like 8:40 in the evening, it is still quite bright out. And I think we just may be living the dream and I don't really care to wake up.

Tired old metaphors aside, this is nice. I'm going back to my reading now. Good night.

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