Sunday, May 10, 2015

Asking Her

After two and a half years, it was time. I had worked hard and I had convinced her parents to give their blessing. But it wasn't easy and now I had to ask her. My heart was heavy with nervous anticipation.

              (I didn't ask over FaceTime)

I arrived in Alaska late on the 22nd of December, 2014. My life was about to change forever. Again. I had it all planned out. Three weeks of build up and a proposal. I wanted poetry - to mirror our first kiss. To reflect the Gospel. A beautiful, intimate thing. And so I began my task.

Two and a half years prior, I remember sitting in my parents' house reading my Bible. I can't remember what I was reading, but I know it was Saturday, September 16, 2012. My parents had been fighting all day. So I was hiding in my old room, reading and trying to avoid any verbal shrapnel that might make its way toward me.

I read something. I can't remember what, but I do recall that my first thought was how honored I would be to share it with her. Jaclyn. 

                    (She's adorable)

So the next night, I made my way back to the campus and by the time the sun was setting, Jaclyn and I were on top of her car at the gazebo behind Jackson. We talked, we prayed and then it hit me.

                   (That's where we were)

This would be the last day we'd ever be just friends, and the first day of the rest of our lives. After that night, everything would change. So after way too much build up and nervous anticipation, I went for it. The first kiss. And it was not very good. She just sat there. So I tried again. Same result. Then we talked about it. She wasn't a piece of meat and wasn't going to be a makeout buddy.

But I liked her. I loved her and I always had. Finally, it happened. The true first kiss. September 17, 2012. And it was nice. Sweet. Good.

Now I might mention here that she did kiss me back after the first kiss. Right on the left cheek. And she said, "happy Rosh Hashanna." But that would set the stage for the rest of our lives. I'd act, she'd shy away, I'd give chase, and eventually I'd win her.

The next morning, we talked. She put forth the idea of dating just to see what would happen, but I insisted that we take one week to pray and think on it. By Friday, I knew for sure. But then, I always knew. Anyway, I was ready, but she wasn't quite sure. See the poetry?

She insisted I ask seven people for permission, so the quest began. Seven blessings to win her heart. And my journey began that day.

                 (And win her I would)

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